Bart Tamboer

Welcome and congratulations! By reading this, you've taken your first step towards a life free of (financial) worries and full of joy and pleasure. This world we are living in is designed to have a wonderful time, all the time, in total freedom. This is what I believe. I invite you to join me in my journey, freeing you of all misconceptions in your mind that tell you that total human wellbeing on earth is not possible.

The only thing you need to constantly work on is to relax and to surrender to life as it presents itself to you. Come to the knowing that everything is always going to be allright, always! Work only on your inner self, and learn to accept and let joy and pleasure fill you, without reason. Stop thinking that anything outside of you will make you happy and be fully conscious of what is happing in your reality, NOW!

This doesn't mean that you can't have desires, dreams or ambitions in life. My own dream is to run a retreat at the sea in Portugal. Where I help others to create freedom in their own lives. This is the main reason why I wrote a 10 YEARSPLAN, including all the steps I need to take to free myself. Once I had my plans on paper, I, have become much lighter and less involved in thinking, just being. And I wish the same for YOU!

Read more about The Plan

Recent blogs

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When you feel like your life doesn't fit your ambitions any longer, it's time for a breaktrough. It feels you've grown out a jacket that doesn't fit you any longer. And more important, it's no longer possible for a tailor to make the adjustments to make the jacket fit. You have to accept that you don't have a jacket for a short period, untill you bought a new jacket that does fit you. A lobster has the same problem. When the lobster's body outgrows its shield, he has to throw it off entirely and is 'naked' for at least two days before his new shield has grown back, stronger this time! But in these two days he is a great catch for the larger fishes in the sea, and he has to hide with no food available to him.

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Like 70% of our population, I am a generator according to my human design. This means that my prefered way of interacting with this world is to respond. And to respond from my gut feeling and not from thinking. For a long time I wasn't so happy with this, because responding seemed so reactive. Like I have no free will in anything I do. This week it came to me that to respond is something entirely different than to react. When you respond you have the choice to either be reactive or pro-active in your actions. There are a few moments in time, when you can let the experience be and decide for yourself how to react to it.

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The base

This week I couldn't find a babysitter for my 12 years old daughther. Now that she's twelve I do belief though that she doesn't really need one and should be able to go to bed by herself. But what was my underlying intention truly when deciding that she's old enough to stay at home by herself and go to bed by herself? Was I really listening to her or was I listening to the voice in my head saying that work was more important? And what are the long term consequences of making both decisions?

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Don't think, feel!

Last week, I, for the first time in my life got a taste of truly feeling abundance running through my veins. It's an indescribable feeling, I wish everyone on earth to experience. It came to me right after my morning practices and in a week in which I felt so much energy already, so it just had to come out and show itself to me. I'm not actually doing it myself. I 'just' train myself to totally let go and surrender to the divine, and then it starts flowing. Sometimes it doesn't, but last week it definitely did! But like I said this was the first time in my life it did! And I'm so gratefull for it, and it made me realize that I have not able to receive love for a long long time.

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Go Fishing

Just before he died, my grandfather was lying in his bed all day, he could barely move, and was in a lot of pain. I remember however the twinkling in his eyes when he told me: 'Bart, life only gets better when you get older". I think he was just so happy for me that I had my whole life ahead of me, knowing that I - as he did himself - would discover the secret of life. My gradfather wasn't a religious man. Neither did he work on improving himself much, especially not after he retired at the age of 55. Most of his time he spent fishing, because that's just what he liked doing most. So were did he get this wisdom from?

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Ready to make your own 10yearsplan?

In the Masterclass I will show you how to 1) Regain the energy to start making plans for the future; 2) Design a vision for you authentic life and 3) How to make a 10yearsplan (in Excel)!

Info about the Masterclass